I love the way
You make me feel,
Each and every day.
Your smiling eyes,
Dance with tease
As you tweak my
Nipples sore.
You are the woman
Of my dreams, my
Every waking thought,
Of horny, sexy fantasy,
And happy warm hearth
Home. You make me smile
With everything you do,
Keep me coming back for
More, and even when I
Want to be serious your
Humour throws me off,
In all the best ways possible,
You are my perfect dream,
The woman I want to wake up
Next to, forever and a day,
And still I watch you from
The door, going about your
Daily routine, and my heart
Wants to freeze time for
Ever more, just in case this
Is all a dream.
I love you with all of me,
From deepest, darkest self,
Like a child walking in the
Dark, I sometimes am afraid
That my lifetime’s blind-
Ness, clumsy and deaf at
Times will push you far away,
And these poems from my
Heart, merely beg for you to
Stay. Don’t lose patience with
Me now, at least not for very
Long, as I love you from the
Very bottom of who I am
And I love you lifetime long.