To all the so-called US patriots (and other “patriots” of other countries):-
Labelling a human being “illegal,” is by its very nature dehumanising them.
So let’s start with terminology.
I think the word we are looking for is, “undocumented” immigrant.
According to the US Constitution, there is no such thing as an “illegal” immigrant.
That is a term used by conservatives, right wingers, racists, and bigots to dehumanise other human beings, to justify treating them inhumanely. (See Nazis for labelling Jewish people “it” rather than “him” or “her,” to dehumanise them to make it easier to justify murdering millions.)
With regards to UNDOCUMENTED immigrants, they are actually legally protected under our US Constitution;
“As an undocumented immigrant, you do have constitutional rights here in the United States,” she said, “and that has been said over and over in the courts, that they do have constitutional rights.””
Therefore, anyone spouting a “send them back where they came from” blanket response to UNDOCUMENTED immigrants is counter to Constitution law precedent, and therefore fundamentally unAmerican, and therefore the opposite of the patriotism one purports to feel towards America. (In other words, the very use of the term “illegal immigrants” is unpatriotic, as well as bigoted.)
We can all have an opinion, but please avoid selling happy horseshit as fact.
ANYONE using the term “illegal” when applied to human beings (or any living being for that matter) is a bigot (either unknowingly, or, having read this post, on purpose).
Here is some info on why labelling anyone “illegal” is wrong, from a technical standpoint – …
And from a linguistic standpoint –