Irritating noise
Reminds me of a warm bed left
Half empty, your still warm body
Cuddled up to the empty space
Where I lay mere moments ago,
My impression still denting faintly
Sheets and pillow, as your scent,
Sweet as the wildest rose, lingers
On my lips and tongue, the evening
Gone, morning rushed in, my arms
Empty of your perfect form, my
Eyes burned by blaring white light,
My heart still cocooned in your love,
My love, such that all the time, and
All the early starts in the world will
Never change how I feel, as you grow
More in me as I in you, every day,
Until all I can say is, I miss you, every
Moment I am not with you, my love,
Every moment.
Category Archives: mE
All about mE, Em.
Laying awake,
Heart racing with the possibilities,
Like a kid in a candy store, too
Hyper to try any new flavours out,
Satan’s mind-spin cycle class, just
Flipping between what is
And what could be, don’t blow it all
Now, trying not to tear it all down.
Excitement at future states
Not yet reached, nor even considered,
Nothing more than a boyhood dream
Come true or false it no longer matters,
For here and now is all there is,
Yet still, here and now, I cannot sleep,
Let alone find peace, just more
Nightmare heart-racing spin cycle junk,
Leaving every nerve ending
Humming like a well-oiled, hyper
Tuned, over-revved machine, engine
Shaking itself to bits, still in
Neutral, yet not still in bits
Why am I so excited? Nothing
Has changed, just as nothing
Changes, so does everything not
Stay the same, as I know all too well,
So why this hypertension of self,
When all around me is still, and
Even the cat and kitten have given
Hardwood floor a rest, still, yet
Not still am I, laying here, heart racing,
Breathe come fast, so fast that
Sleepless time flies, in the face of all reason,
I should be tired, yet still I lay awake,
Yet not still, still.
Rather twitchy.
is coming home
Tired, as the day is long,
Happy to be in the arms
of the one I love, the woman I
look forward to spending my
Life with, the hottest babe I know,
By far, the best friend I never
thought I’d have, sweet, warm, tender
And perfect of heart and mind, so
much my better half she deserves two thirds,
And more, this wonderful woman I have
the mind-boggingly joyous pleasure of
coming home to,
is love.
waiting sounds
the sound of people
Waiting, as if somewhere
to go were a natural birthright,
right for some but not others
and still the unsettlingly calm
buzz, of people humming their
comfortable dissidence, with
holding on, like the quiet murmur
an aural hug, paused anticipation
murmuring silence as train approaches
so calm, just another pasttime missed,
lonely call of the calm empty heart, not
empty of love, just the opposite, empty
of longing, of loss, of sadness, and so
emptied, so full of love, happiness, completion,
for this is the murmuring of a happy future,
energetic buzz calming whisps of worry
away, until all that remains is that quiet
general human thrum of waiting time
burned, huddled close on cold platform,
watching puffs of cold white from breathing
bodies, til train arrival breaks the shared
monotony, filling it with shifting noise and
moving hearts, people flowing up and off,
gone, leaving empty platform paused,
until more bustling, vibrating, breathing
humanity fills the empty void between
lost moments, only to start all over
Killer App now available for download!
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I hope you enjoy the book.
‘Til next poem,