Wow. So that’s what it feels like to come to the end of a novel, and even start the second one.
The rollercoaster is over, or has only just begun, as I have as yet to let anyone read this revised draft.
Nervous? Yes.
Excited? Yes.
Exhausted and exhilerated? Double yes.
Where to now?
Do I go the old school route and hunt down an agent, trap them with style, cunning and a well-turned phrase, joining forces to create a hunting party out for the rare blood of the oft-maligned and dying breed of old-school publisher in the hopes of them seeing the diamond in the rough; maybe not the next JK cash machine but at least worth investing time, energy and publicity in?
Or do I surf the light fantastic and punt into the lake placid of self-publishing and self-promotion? Is my book eye-catching enough to light the bushfire of people’s imagination and flow through word of mouth into the collective subconscious?
What to do, what to do. (Ideas accepted on a postcard, written in binary or Sanskrit.)
Whatever the future level of success, I wrote it, from beginning to end and back again, and that is enough for me (for now).
If people enjoy reading it and want more, that will be all I ever wanted.
Here’s hoping! π (Just in case you are wondering where you can lay your hands on my book, please keep your eyes peeled on my blog / twitter / linked in / Facebook account, where I will be broadcasting more exciting news (exciting to me at least!) as soon as I have it.
Til next time, be good to one another, cause each other is all we really have.
Peace out,