Category Archives: Writing

My first, longest, truest love – writing. Step inside and have a browse, leave a comment, praise or slate, it’s all good!

sun-soaked slide

Long day, justly run
Short battles far from won,
‘Nother bite-sized chunk
Of timed daylight spent, watching
But not watching the hours
As they went, crawling, not so much
As flying by, work done meticulously
Like life-long held sigh,
Far too few
Lessons for hours burnt
Another day, spent
All too soon, lucky today’s
Outside sunlit room,
Life’s own laughter, nature’s kiss,
Vitamin D, sorely missed.

Soft breeze, tastes of sand,
Promising summer, ever closer
To hand, this last rhyme, nearly spun,
Work is over, time for home, laughter
Love and fun.

Dearest family awaits, one last
Run, baked trainbox packed,
Or half-so filled, all soaked in summer’s
Promise-tinted rose, chilled and happy
Slow and warm, this is the time
When calm is the norm.

Even three, ever so slightly
Sloshed workmate friends, wend
Happily homeword, no animosity
To hand. This is the time, when sap
Arises, so look round, eyes wide
For life’s little surprises.

Happy summer begins my friends!
Let’s hope this one,
Never ends. πŸ˜‰


Stop! Freeze frame, breathe,
Another bright blue sky awaits
The wonder of a new day, the
Feeling of completeness, in and
Of your Self, a unique being
Held in the highest regard, all you
Will ever truly know, if even
That, a shining sun-beam of a soul,
Glowing bright for the world to see
A weight lifted, another deep breathe
Taken, slow down, ease in to your
Day, take it one step at a time,
Ignore the urge to rush.

When you can, pause, on the tube,
On the bus, on your bike at a light
Look around, see the souls shining
Bright all around, realise you are
Not alone, you may be one, but of
Six billion bright souls shining on
The face of this massive ball of rock
Let us shout out to the heavens, so
That even the tortured souls living
In their own personal hells may hear,
“You are not alone! We are
With you!” Love one another as
Family, for this great rush to the
End, your end, my end, our ends,
Money, happiness, success, faith,
Peace, tranquility, go no further than
What they mean to us, our Selves,
And mean no more than that which
We, our Selves, take from everything
We gain, every step we take
Worth the whole journey, stop,
Freeze for a moment, look your
Fellow life traveller in the eye and
Say, even if in the quiet of your
Own mind, “I love you, for the
Beautiful creature that you are,
Even though I do not know
What you are, how hard you have
Tried” for we are all on the same
Road, that one path, all leading to
The same place. Smile at a stranger,
Breathe easy, for each step we take
Aware, brings us closer to who we
Really are, our Selves, each a
Brilliant soul, loving those around
Us, understanding that in each of
Us, each Other, there is a beauty,
A gorgeous, strong, powerful,
Compassionate, healthy, successful
Individual waiting to come out and
Shine. So let them, let your Self


brain chewing

My brain is chewing
On the marrow of a story,
The book is written only
In first draft, the characters
Plotting to grow into their
Skins, the seven into five,
Which one will win? This is
The beginning, the middle
And the end, another novel
Nearly written, spinning down
And in again, what more is there
To do but to trust my Self, nerve
Wracking as this is, it is the most
Fun I have had on my own, truly
The focus of life on creation
Is the only life force spent well.