Category Archives: Poems

Poetry is
The art of the heart
Written in the lifeblood
Of the soul.

broken humachine

The sad lost rundown engine
Turns, spinning us off into
An infinity of unknown confusion,
Our forlorn loneliness, just another
Tear, drop in the ocean, heart-string
Plucked, resonating the sound of our loss, deep
Down in the gut of our source, where
We all came from, first pushed, then pulled,
Grabbed, hung upside down for a moment,
That first screaming searing burning blindness,
The first coughing clutch of outside poison air,
The first disappointment, the first
In a line of continuing disappointments,
Our own failings and fate’s cruel tricks
Of giving us precisely what we ask for,
If only we remember those requests made, long
Before we had a clue what the outcome of our
Wishes could ever be, this we take
All in our stride, breath deep the air of
Regret, wonder where the time went
And pray that we don’t end up embittered
Like all the grumpy negative kind, so happy
To be miserable, reminded every day
By their own shit-tinted glasses
How nasty the world is, while
The rest of us carry on, making
The most out of what we have,
Breathlessy running from one extreme
To another, learning forever that karmafatelucksodslaw wins, every
Time picking ourselves up, dusting ourselves,
Off, heading out into the world
Bright eyed and bushy-tailed,
As if the next time the bruises will have healed first, instead of
Compounding rotten emotional fracture with fresh psychological bruising,
Able to get up and carry on, yet kicking ourselves
For being so foolish to think the next time
Will be any different, as if we have forgotten
That first screaming burning blinding breath
Of noise polluted air, poisoned by the very liquid life
That we grasp gasping to the very end,
None of us more terrified then I of dying
Reaching vainly for that last breath, sucking
Ineffectually at dying lungs, weak
From the effects of living, breathing
That polluted air –
When a moment strikes, a man on the train
The melodrama stops, inner voice momentarily stunned into silence,
Like breath held in aweshockwonder at dawn breaking silent
Over a desert mountaintop, this man, at first
Glance, nothing more than a ‘trainspotter’, someone
Lost between this time and tomorrow, mind’s
Eye fogged up with imagesemotions living memories
Taking up all of his mental and emotional
Space, clouding his eyes to what is,
Breath held as we watch him
Sift through a plastic bag of
Old letters, bills, paperwork,
Moving files from place to place, as if
It mattered where each sheet was, forgetting even
As he moves them, one envelope at a time
Why he bothers, perhaps peaking sanity
Up through the depths of fogged consciousness,
Eyes meeting other commuters, seeing enough
To survive, judging benign from dangerous,
Only survival level awareness left, this man
Who once clearly had a ‘life’, just as
You and I, now sits befuddled on a train,
Confused even by his own busy hands sifting
Through his own well-fingered materials,
How many times has he picked up this same envelope,
Looked at it bewildered, perhaps unsure of why he holds it still,
All of the previous memories of holding
This same letter perhaps giving him some anchor
In reality, a touchstone for the remainder
Of his sanity, as we know it, but
Still we stand, holding our breath, watching
The lost movements of a ‘broken’ humachine, lost
But still all there, as much us as we are him, and
We are reminded of the cruelist of life’s mean japes, that
Even the most astute, sharp, aware, in
Control amongst us can slip and fall, for
Something as simple as a misfired neuron, missed timing,
Misconnection primed, made and with repetitious visits,
Ironed into place, the frailty of the human mind,
Human kind only holding onto this ‘reality’ by a gossamer thread,
Waking up one bright loud screaming gasping nightday, working
Endlessly to reach ulterior goals, outside of
Who we are, forever reaching and striving
For the ever disappearing horizon, only
To end up dead, as we all will
Eventually. Until we see him,
Sitting on the train, alive and hearty,
Yet ‘not all there’, out of touch, and
We freeze, remembering how life can be the
Most fickle of bed partners, first searing pain,
Fear, screaming blindness,
Then life’s ups and downs, bumps
And grinds, all in hopes of something better,
Whether in this life, or the next depending on
Prevailing religious views, only to be
Stopped dead, as it were, in our tracks
By a single man, lost as a young child left
All alone by mistake,
Separated from parents
By cruel twist of fate, corner turned
Too fast, another wipeout in life’s 24 hour
Race, reminding us there is more
To life than striving, we live,
We die, we lose, and
We get lost,
This is our life.
This is our premise,
Life’s bitter sweet decline
It all ends in the same terminal
Way, why not enjoy what
We have, before it
Has all gone.

fresh start

the sorrow
that knows
no depths, as
the hunger
that tastes
no food, as
the ache
that feels
no balm, as
the falling
that reaches
no bottom, leaving me
empty, except for
the tears
now washing me clean.

we wish

Wishing we are someone else,
Is to deny the very selves we are,
For we make our own paths,
Which only we can see, from within
Ourselves, as ourselves, and
In seeing, create. We each forge
Our own path across this earth,
In our own time, never to be
Repeated, and no matter what we
Will, our path is our own, for
Better, or worse, til death do us
Part, this is the truth, the way,
Our way, each to our own, never
Completely at one, forever
Searching, blind except for hope,
Maybe the next mountain will be
Our last, verdant green valley
Lays just beyond, one more obstacle,
Just another flavour of life’s
Righteous passage, we choose the life
We live, we choose the home we build,
We choose the friends we take
Into our hearts, and we make our own
From all that we see, hear, feel, taste
Around us, for this is our way, our moment
To shine, even in the darkest
Loneliest corner, there is a glimpse
Of love’s light shining, through the
Harshest soul desert sun, beating down
On us, sapping our energy, bleeding us
Of anything remotely close to that
Humanity, the cloak of insanity
That we call reality, forever blinkered by
Belief to true sight, clear view,
But this is our path, our way,
And we should be happy, for
It beats being bored. 🙂

now free

This is my remnant, my memory of my mother,
That all is good, as is everyone around and about,
That we all can be good, can make the world a better place
Just by being in it, by loving and trusting and respecting one another,
By treating each other with the attention we all crave and deserve,
As one human to another, I reach out my hand in assistance,
And in giving receive,
this was the blessing and the prayer she gave to me
Each and every day sacrificing herself
to the world as cold as it can be,
Just another Giving Tree, standing still
while the whirlwind spun around and about
Her arms offering the worlds’ wisdom,
knowledge spun into sweetened gold
Her body, earth’s heart beating inside,
Until she could give no more,
and held up entirely by her will alone,
will never again be seen walking or smiling
or giggling about some misunderstood phrase
or garbled sentence,
which being said would frustrate most,
To her just another ‘wicked’ joke,
something enjoyed and shared,
In her last moments
Straining to reach out across the vast breadth of space,
through the transceiver of the plastic telephone held to her face,
willing to tell me all was well, that she loved me
around the world, galaxy, universe and everything,
and back again, hasping breath desparate to put me at ease,
I told her that she was free, that it was ok to let go,
A more beautiful soul I will never meet.

the ride

This is the ride, come join us
Come one, come all,
Come rise, come fall,
Come see the show,
Feel the pull, don’t fight
The flow, it’s all natural
Synthetic vibe from heart,
Another up, another down
One more in, two more out
Naked as the day we were
Born, once again riding the
Storm, not quite sure why
This is the norm, but
It is, so there, come one
Come all, join the jamboree,
the mardi gras, the fun
The party, not parting,
No pardon in sight, no insight
You’ll see, just from you
And me, the same hateful conclusion,
This is my plate, of love, not hate,
Sacrifice, passion unspent, life lived
Unvent, unwind and you’ll
Find yourself sharing, my plate,
Full to brimming with love,
Not hate, not wanting you’ll see
This is the way ‘to be’,
As Shakespeare said, from beyond
The grave, nothing ever so bold
Or so brave, but the same taste,
Shared life, no hunger, more strife,
For what it’s worth, this is love
This is life, no more hatred, nor
Anger unsaid, the rhythm pounding
Headache, sans head, this is life
This is us, just human.