day gone

Another day slips below the
Horizon, kissing the night sky
Until all that is left is bruised
Black, the colour of sleep, yet
Still I keep, still, to me a dream
Of yet another moment stolen, dream
Taken, seized, from the jaws of defeat,
Still I wait, for that moment of true silence,
Ears ringing in the end of all sound,
Soon to be silent world, mockingly
Exhausted, yet still not tired, driven,
Yet not driven away, still, yet not still
The same, still different, the same difference,
Circles meeting in concentric constants,
The spiral dish of daily life, spinning ever
More, back to the centre, sinkhole where
My self lives and breathes, constantly run
Yet not run at all, independent, still standing,
Each deeply ragged, aching eyes, wondering,
Still not the same. Why so tired, when
Everything is within grasp. Why so tired
When all that life requires is one day to
The next. Still tired, and as tired,

I still miss


Your life-giving smile,
Wrapped up in a world
Of do’s and don’t’s, where
Even the strongest break
Down, you were our anchor,
Our backbone against the bend
Of seemingly unbearable weight,
The one, energy flowing, glowing out
Wards, given to one and all, the same
No matter what the cost was, you
Stayed true to who you were
Your beautiful soul a beacon,
Able to change others by seeing them,
Treating them, as they wished they were, deep
Down amongst their own demons of fear,
Their deepest self felt the warmth of your
Love and compassion, and surged instantly
Bursting into the light of day, more
Magical than any rabbit out of hat,
Your ability to change people by making
Them come out of their shell, as chrysalis
Becomes butterfly, so your magic touch,
Gentle smile filled with a love that never
Waned, nor wavered, nor weakened,
Brought out the person they wished they were,
Beautiful souls would unfold, just as you
Knew they would, just by being around them,
For you loved them, just as you loved all,
And they loved you for the beauty you
Reminded was inside, always there,
You, stronger than any love they had ever
Felt, filling them with love and compassion
Until all they could do was be born as the
Beauty you saw in them. That magic, a greater
Power than I have ever witnessed, love,
Pure, beaming from your every pore, flowing
From you out to everyone you came into
Contact, that was your super power, yet
So simple, pure, you, through and through
The strongest human being I have ever met,
And yet so soft, gentle, loving, kind,
Giving all of yourself without consideration
Of cost, always looking to help others,
You, showing me by your being, how life affirming
Love, true, unadulterated, pure compassion
Could change the world one person at a time,
An embodiment of all that is beautiful in life, still
You reach out to all of those blessed by Your beautiful soul, our hearts over flowing,
Filling our lives with the warmth of your
Fierce compassionate life affirming love,
We will always miss you, the strongest soul
I have ever met.

The world needs more of you.
Continue reading I still miss

Proud daddy

So proud! Shouts the voice
Inside my head, So proud!
Each and every day, from
Another father’s praise-filled
Lips, of seeing you teach his
Kids to grow, balancing your
Compassion, poise, and control,
To the glowing reports each school
Report, and the wonderfully glowing
Response from everything you do,
To listening you sing to your heart’s
Content, or acting, dancing on stage,
Performing as only you know how,
So proud! I am, forever, as now.

Don’t ever stop being
Who you are. You are
Truly a beautiful soul
Making me proud,
So proud.

true love

I love the way you
Brush your hair, the
Loose strands falling just
There, your beatific calm,
Soothing me from afar,
Standing in the doorway,
Watching how you just are
My dream woman, soulmate,
Lover, best friend, and wife
To be, all I could have ever
Dared wish or hope for,
Filling me with warmth and
Light, until the whole world
Balances out just right, and
Moon, sun, stars in space,
All spin into infinity’s empty
Breathe, while the world holds
Still, frozen in time, and I
Am so happy, lucky you
Are mine, my love,
For all time.


Our rituals define us,
Our dreams divide, the
Life from the living, only
We decide, for what are we
Here for, if not to thrive, along
With one another, not just to survive,
But to thrill in the pleasure, that holds
Us together, and fight for the right
To be happy whatever the internal
Weather, whether the future will,
Or crumble apart, I cycle all the
Way, back through to the start,
For I love your soul’s beauty
Tangled deep within my
Heart, you stand be

tales for adults, told by kids pretending to be adults, for adults pretending to be kids