Tag Archives: childhood

Seagulls tease of oceans far

Seagulls tease
Of oceans far
Reminding me
Of salt memories

Of splashing waves
And sandy beaches
Of happy summers
Decades gone.

Yet still the thought
Of happy childhood
Echoed in the large birds’ cry
Taints the sharp cold bite of morning

Under the faint grey blue sky.

Memories of childhood…

I nearly lost an eye when I was four or five – I was helping my mom clear our front yard of sticks by throwing them over a stone wall into the neighbouring woods, when a piece of bark flew into my eye. I remember being rushed to hospital, and even being in the emergency room where they took the bark out of my eye. I had to wear a patch for several months…my first day of school ever and I walked in with an eye patch. What fun!


Trust, pounded into
My head and heart, one
Sledgehammer shouted ”
Liar!”after another, fiercepointing
Finger, bent middle knuckle
Leading reverseup to twisted
Sneer, pursed lips ever so un-
Kissable, hatredlaced eyes, high
Flushed cheeks, ragehateshitvenom
Piercing my deepest unborn self
Like burning spear of self-
Doubt unleashed, now amber cinders
Resemble glowing catseyes of rage
Unearthed by being lied to, where
It hurts the most, where the largest
Hole of self-doubt remains, and
Yet, mother earth came up and
Down to succomb blind fury, before
Life-born embers ignited to burn
Paper thin todayreality, only adding
To and spreading the misery of
Childhood forsaken, yet the pause
Saved me from myself, maybe for
The first time, hopefully not
The last.

Just ‘About’ anything…really…as long as you can read it!

I am an author (at heart at least).

I have been writing since I can remember – when other kids were playing in the sand during preschool I was crafting tiny foldaway books.

I would draw the cover of the book, title it, write all of the story, do all of the drawings and feel so very proud of myself when I was able to write in ‘The End’.

My first book had such a profound effect on me that I can still see where I was, probably no more than four or five years old, sitting in the middle of the classroom, studiously focused on my book, which as I recall was about a damsel in distress, a castle and a knight. (And I’ll be darned if it wasn’t hard to draw the teeny-tiny turrets on the castle fortress walls, but I did it!)

Many books were to follow, including two novel-length forays during a month of illness when I was 18.

Then for some reason it all stopped – life got in the way and fast forwarded me to the here and now.

So I thought it was about time to write another book…and two years later it is almost ready.

Not only that, but the “Killer Application” series of books (yes, I said series) has birthed a second book already (even though I’ve not finished the first).

I hope you like it – please come along for the ride as I rewrite the book to perfection (or as close as possible) and self-publish it as an ebook and POD (print on demand).

The pitfalls are many, the workload vast, the wordcount insanely high, yet I am undaunted – I am up to the task.

A nice little cheering squad would help me out no end when I hit those lows…so please come on in and sign up.

Your help in motivating me by reading and responding to what I write could be just the key to set me off on a fantastic journey as a writer.

I can’t promise you riches (I wish!) but I can promise you a good gas.

So come on for the ride – step inside and let me know your thoughts.

I look forward to learning more about you than you wish to say. 😉

Yours in trouble and out,
